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Roxy Logo


Roxy, initially a swimwear line introduced by Quiksilver in 1990, has grown into a global brand for girls everywhere, offering a diverse range of products from sportswear to snowboards.


5600 Argosy Ave 100, Huntington Beach, California, 92649, United States


Customer Service Offered

Phone | Email | Social Media

Paige born and raised in Los Angeles, is a lifestyle collection for men and women, reflecting a commitment to cutting-edge design and meticulous attention to detail.


2608 East 37th Street, Vernon, CA 90058


Customer Service Offered

Phone | Email | Social Media

Kurt Geiger is a renowned brand offering a wide range of fashion products.


Britton Street, EC1M 5UA, London, United Kingdom


Customer Service Offered

Live Chat | Phone | Email | Social Media

Blush Mark is a fashion brand offering trendy clothing and accessories, with a strong online presence and commitment to customer satisfaction.


Los Angeles, California, United States


Customer Service Offered

Email | Phone | Social Media

Color Street is a creative beauty brand with limitless possibilities, supporting and empowering individuality and entrepreneurship.


922 Riverview Drive, Totowa, NJ, 07512


Customer Service Offered

Email | Call | Contact Form

Back Socks is a leading provider of innovative sock solutions, dedicated to offering quality products and exceptional back sock sleeve customer service.


3025 Whitten Road, Lakeland, FL 33815, United States


Customer Service Offered

Live Chat | Phone | Email

Sportymarts is a renowned clothing store located in San Diego, California, offering a variety of sportswear and accessories to its customers.


6345 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA 92115


Customer Service Offered

Phone | Email | Social Media

Spinpaper is a brand dedicated to promoting the power of walking as a healthy exercise. Founded by Mett Leo, it began as a passion project to help his mother regain her health and confidence.


Witty Commercial Building, Nos.1A-1L Tung Choi Street, Kowloon


Customer Service Offered

Phone | Email | Social Media

San Mar is a leading supplier of wholesale apparel and accessories, dedicated to elevating lives through meaningful connections. They offer a wide range of products, ensuring quality and customer satisfaction.


22833 SE Black Nugget Road, Suite 130, Issaquah, WA 98029


Customer Service Offered

Phone | Email | Website Form | Social Media

Rebecca Minkoff is a renowned fashion brand known for its luxury handbags, accessories, footwear, and apparel. With a strong online presence, the brand emphasizes customer satisfaction and offers multiple ways for customers to connect.


New York, 16 W 22nd St 7th Floor, United State


Customer Service Offered

Phone | Email | Social Media | Message

Search Categories

  • Apparel & Accessories
    • Clothing & Footwear
    • Fashion Accessories
    • Fashion Outlets
    • Jewelry & Watches
    • Kids Outlet
    • Travel Bags
  • Arms & Ammunition
    • Weapons
  • Art, Crafts & Music
    • Craft Materials
    • Fine Arts
    • Music Stores & Instruments
  • Banking & Finance
    • Banking Institutions
    • Cash Services
    • Cryptocurrency
    • Debt Collection
    • Financial Cards
    • Financial Services
    • Loans and Mortgages
    • Pawn Outlets
    • Retirement Services & Investments
    • Taxation Services
  • Business Services
    • Legal Services
    • Office Supplies
  • Electronics & Technology
    • Computers
    • Electronic Devices
    • Internet Services
    • Phones & Tablets
    • Repair & Services
    • Tech Accessories
  • Energy Equipment & Services
    • Electricity
    • Energy
    • Oil, Gas & Consumable fuels
    • Public Utilities
  • Equipment & Tools
    • Automotive Tools
    • Construction & Heavy Machinery
    • Gardening & Landscaping Tools
    • Hand Tools & Power Tools
    • Safety & Protective Equipment
  • Events & Celebrations
    • Event Locations
    • Floral Services
    • Funerals
    • Party Supplies
    • Photography
    • Wedding Services
  • Food & Beverages
    • Beer & Wine
    • Beverages
    • Candy & Chocolate
    • Coffee Shops & Bakeries
    • Dairy Products
    • Fast Food
    • Food
    • Food Delivery Services
    • Food Producers
    • Grocery Stores & Markets
    • Meat, Seafood & Eggs
    • Restaurants, Cafes & Bars
    • Wholesale Food Distributors
  • Government Bodies & Politics
    • Government Offices
    • Political Affairs
  • Home Furnishings
    • Bedroom and Bathroom
    • Blinds, Curtains & Shutters
    • Furniture and Decor
    • Home Appliances
    • Kitchen and Cooking
    • Rugs and Carpets
    • Window Dressings
  • Home Improvement
    • Building Products
    • Carpentry Services
    • Construction & repairs
    • Fencing and Decking
    • Fireplace & Chimneys
    • Floor Solutions
    • Gutters
    • Paving
    • Pool and Spa Supplies
    • Roofing
    • Smart home
    • Wall Decor
  • Home Services
    • Air Conditioning
    • Cleaning and Maintenance
    • Garden and Landscape
    • Heating & Cooling
    • Home Renovation
    • Household Essentials
    • Locksmiths
    • Pest Management
    • Plumbing Services
    • Utilities
    • Waste Management
  • Insurance Services
    • Insurance
  • IT and Digital Services
    • Digital Marketing
    • Entertainment & Games
    • IT Services
    • Mobile Apps
    • Software
    • VPN
    • Web Development & Design
    • Web Hosting
  • Kids
    • Baby & Toddler
    • Educational Toys
    • Kids' Clothing & Accessories
    • Kids' Furniture & Decor
    • Toys & Games
  • Learning & Education
    • Educational Institutions
    • Kindergarten and Nurseries
    • School Supplies
    • Training Programs
  • Logistics & Delivery
    • Packing Services
    • Postal Services
    • Relocation Services
    • Transportation and Logistics
  • Media and Communication
    • Background and People Search
    • Blogging Platforms
    • Media
    • Publishing Houses
    • Review Websites and Directories
    • Social and Dating Platforms
    • Streaming Platforms
    • Telecom Services
  • Medical Services
    • Dental Care
    • Doctors
    • Hospitals, Clinics & Medical Centers
    • Medical Equipment
    • Nurse Service
    • Pharmacies
  • Miscellaneous
    • Mics Companies
  • Online Shopping
    • Drop shipping
    • E-commerce
    • Gift Cards
    • Loyalty Programs
    • Rewards & Cashback
    • Wholesale Distributors
  • Pets & Animals
    • Animal Parks & Zoos
    • Dogs & Cats
    • Pet Breeders
    • Pet Health & Veterinary Clinics
    • Pet Stores & Supplies
    • Pet Training
  • PR & Marketing
    • Advertising
    • Customer Service
    • Marketing
    • PR
    • SEO & Reputation Management
    • Staffing Service
  • Real Estate
    • Housing
  • Recreation & Fun
    • Amusement Parks
    • Betting and Lottery
    • Books, Comics, & Stickers
    • Games and Movies
    • Movie Theaters
    • Ticketing Services
  • Smoking Essentials
    • Alternative Smoking Products
    • Smoking Accessories
    • Tobacco Products
    • Vaping & E-Cigarettes
  • Sports & Fitness
    • Diet & Fitness
    • Fitness Centers & Gyms
    • Outdoor & Adventure
    • Sports Center
    • Sports Gear
  • Transportation
    • Air Travel
    • Auto Parts
    • Automobiles
    • Bikes and Scooters
    • Bus Services
    • Car Wash
    • Parking Service
    • Rentals
    • RVs, Motorhomes & Trailers
    • Trains
    • Vehicle Dealerships
    • Water Transport
  • Travel & Adventure
    • Cruise Services
    • Hotels and Resorts
    • Travel
    • Travel Agencies
  • Wellness & Beauty
    • Beauty Products
    • Cosmetics
    • Health Supplements
    • Personal Care Items
    • Spa and Salon Services
Roxy, initially a swimwear line introduced by Quiksilver in 1990, has grown into a global brand for girls everywhere, offering a diverse range of products from sportswear to snowboards.


5600 Argosy Ave 100, Huntington Beach, California, 92649, United States


Customer Service Offered

Phone | Email | Social Media

Paige born and raised in Los Angeles, is a lifestyle collection for men and women, reflecting a commitment to cutting-edge design and meticulous attention to detail.


2608 East 37th Street, Vernon, CA 90058


Customer Service Offered

Phone | Email | Social Media

Kurt Geiger is a renowned brand offering a wide range of fashion products.


Britton Street, EC1M 5UA, London, United Kingdom


Customer Service Offered

Live Chat | Phone | Email | Social Media

Color Street is a creative beauty brand with limitless possibilities, supporting and empowering individuality and entrepreneurship.


922 Riverview Drive, Totowa, NJ, 07512


Customer Service Offered

Email | Call | Contact Form

San Mar is a leading supplier of wholesale apparel and accessories, dedicated to elevating lives through meaningful connections. They offer a wide range of products, ensuring quality and customer satisfaction.


22833 SE Black Nugget Road, Suite 130, Issaquah, WA 98029


Customer Service Offered

Phone, Email, Website Form, Social Media

Back Socks is a leading provider of innovative sock solutions, dedicated to offering quality products and exceptional back sock sleeve customer service.


3025 Whitten Road, Lakeland, FL 33815, United States


Customer Service Offered

Live Chat | Phone | Email

Sportymarts is a renowned clothing store located in San Diego, California, offering a variety of sportswear and accessories to its customers.


6345 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA 92115


Customer Service Offered

Phone | Email | Social Media

Spinpaper is a brand dedicated to promoting the power of walking as a healthy exercise. Founded by Mett Leo, it began as a passion project to help his mother regain her health and confidence.


Witty Commercial Building, Nos.1A-1L Tung Choi Street, Kowloon


Customer Service Offered

Phone | Email | Social Media

Rebecca Minkoff is a renowned fashion brand known for its luxury handbags, accessories, footwear, and apparel. With a strong online presence, the brand emphasizes customer satisfaction and offers multiple ways for customers to connect.


New York, 16 W 22nd St 7th Floor, United States


Customer Service Offered

Phone | Email | Social Media | Message

Blush Mark is a fashion-forward brand, offering trendy clothing and accessories. With a focus on customer satisfaction, Blush Mark provides a variety of contact methods to ensure a seamless shopping experience.


445 S Figueroa St, STE 2920, Los Angeles, California 90071, United States of America


Customer Service Offered

Email | Phone | Social Media

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